Teresa van Lieshout is an experienced teacher, who has engaged significantly with the political process over the past decade, gaining experience and expertise to develop a new party for Western Australians. She has a significant amount of educational and research expertise regarding Australia’s Education System, including a great vision to implement the best education system in the world, for the benefit of Australian teachers, children and families.
She is patriotically Australian; born and raised in Mundijong, Western Australia, in a family of 9 children. Her parents migrated separately to Australia from the Netherlands after WWII under the Australian government, ‘Assisted Passage Program’, with thousands of other Western Europeans. They met in Fremantle, married in the Hilton Catholic Church, had 9 children, and remained married for 53 years until their recent death. Her heritage includes a decent of committed Christian families.
Her parents were people of great quality and character, committed to developing Australian identity and values by relinquishing their Dutch citizenship and embracing their new Australian life with enthusiasm and passion. Her mother’s very large family of origin has a history in the Willagee Electorate since the mid 1950’s. Teresa lives in Hilton.
She has written and published 4 books of non-fiction literature, with the National Library of Australia, and continues to articulate passionately for the rights of Western Australian constituents (voters) to have a 'strong voice' concerning the direction and future of Australia.
Throughout life, Teresa believes it is important to be yourself in developing gifts and talents, and in finding one's true purpose and meaning in life.
Please join her in membership in building the West Australian Party!